Early-Bird Talk Yoga™ Certification Live Hybrid Training April 25, 2025 (early-bird price available until 04/01/2025)
Course Title: Talk Yoga™ Certification Training
Attend a virtual training with Talk Yoga™ Founders, SLPs and Yoga Teachers Amy Roberts, MS, CCC-SLP, and Kim Hughes, MA, CCC_SLP.
Disclosures: Financial – Amy C. Roberts, MS, CCC-SLP and Kim Hughes MA, CCC-SLP, are the owners of Talk Yoga, LLC.
Non-Financial – Amy C. Roberts, MS, CCC-SLP and Kim Hughes MA, CCC-SLP, have no relevant non-financial information to disclose.
This training is suitable for speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers, yoga teachers, and parents.
Incorporate Talk Yoga™ techniques into your speech and language therapy, preschool, and yoga classes.
This training will include 2.5 hours of pre-recorded content that must be viewed prior to the in-person portion.
The training will be offered virtually via the platform Zoom.
Learner Outcomes:
- Discuss the philosophy and research behind why we use yoga movement, practices, and principles in therapy
- Examine anatomy and physiology of postural support, respiration/breathing, and the central nervous system as they support learning
- Become familiar with the essence of Talk Yoga™ and how infusing yoga into therapy supports overall learning and speech and language development.
- Learn how to use a Talk Yoga™ lens when evaluating and treating their clients.
- Be introduced to specific Talk Yoga™ techniques to utilize during therapy.
Time Ordered Agenda:
8:30 – 8:45 - Introductions
8:45 - 10:30 - Participate in a Talk Yoga™ Practice (Lesson Plan 1) and begin discussion of the essence of Talk Yoga™
10:30 - 10:45 - Movement Break
10:45 - 12:00 - Learn Principles of Talk Yoga™; Specific Practices Breathing and Mindfulness
12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch and learn - review concepts covered up to this point
12:30 - 1:30 - Learn how to use Talk Yoga™ and Articulation
1:30 - 3:00 - Learn how to infuse Talk Yoga™ into Language therapy
3:00 - 3:15 - Movement Break
3:15 - 4:30 - Discussion: How do I use Talk Yoga™ in my therapy tomorrow?
Upon completion of this training course, participants will complete a hands on demonstration to show understanding of the techniques, and teachings learned during the training. In addition, participants will have one week to complete an assessment examining their understanding of the philosophy of Talk Yoga™, the anatomy and physiology concepts taught, as well as the use of Talk Yoga™ techniques to evaluate and treat clients.
We want you to know that you must attend for the full length of the course during the scheduled time in order to receive professional continuing education credits. If the course is a live online course, you must log in individually to the online classroom, following the instructions provided by Talk Yoga™ and with your camera on, so there is a record of my attendance individually.
Location: Join us on Zoom virtually or in person at Temple Emanuel in Kensington, MD, (10101 Connecticut Ave.) just outside of Washington, DC. If you are looking for a hotel, you may want to consider staying in Kensington, Silver Spring, or Bethesda.
Please call or email us prior to the event if you have special needs (visual, hearing, physical) prior to the event.
If an unforeseen problem occurs and we must cancel the program or you are unable to attend, you have two options: 1) receive a full-value voucher for any live or recorded training for up to a year, or 2) request a full refund. Requests should be made in writing by email at [email protected].
This program is offered for .95 ASHA Continuing Education Hours (intermediate level; content area professional)
Talk Yoga Complaint Policy:
We Want to Know! If you have complaints about any policies or conduct of Talk Yoga or those representing Talk Yoga we need to know about it immediately. There are two options for you to let us know about your concerns:
By phone: You are welcome to contact Kim and Amy at any time to share your concern at 301-655-4991.
By email: Any concern may be submitted in writing via email and include a written statement. Please send written statement to: [email protected].